The United Arab Emirates is currently tackling the complex public health, social and economic impacts of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
Maintaining Effective Oversight of Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection:
During this crisis the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR) is using various strategies to maintain effective oversight of nuclear and radiation safety and protection of the public, patients and workers. In this regard, FANR recognizes that essential national measures implemented to tackle Covid-19 may be complicating Licensees' everyday actions to remain in compliance with FANR requirements. FANR is committed to working with Licensees to find solutions to these temporary issues. Together, FANR and Licensees, whilst making their separate contributions to overcoming the virus, can jointly ensure that nuclear safety and radiation protection is remains assured throughout the UAE.
Covid-19 impact on Licensee capacity to comply with regulatory requirements:
Please note you are required to contact FANR immediately by sending request to modify conduct of regulated activity due to COVID-19 impact available on FANR web page
(form request) , if Covid-19 measures are affecting your capacity to remain in compliance with FANR regulations. If for instance, you cannot obtain dosimeters, or have them read, please contact FANR. If you cannot get essential equipment serviced or calibrated or your workload has significantly changed as a consequence of the Covid-19 situation, please contact FANR. If Covid-19 lockdown means radionuclides are not delivered at the specified activity or you can not access certain location or area as usual– please let us know using the here above link.
If your facility needs temporary changes to your authorized activities, or work protocols or regulated materials inventory in order to protect workers, or patients and the public under the Covid-19 measures while peaceful and secure operation, FANR will consider those temporary changes on a case-by-case basis.
Why Contact FANR During the Covid-19 Pandamic:
The following paragraphs are examples of circumstances or actions that may be necessitated by the Covid-19 pandemic in order to maintain effective control of nuclear safety, safeguards and radiation protection in the UAE. The examples are not exhaustive and serve only to encourage Licensees to be in communication with FANR regarding any challenges in sustaining compliance with FANR's regulatory requirements through
(form request) .
Assuring competency of staff:
FANR recognizes that radiation protection training is an ongoing necessity made difficult under current social-distancing requirements. Ensure you make contact to communicate your modified approach to assuring staff competency.
Documentation of compliance with regulatory requirements:
In accordance with UAE Nuclear Law and FANR Regulations, licences, certificates, letters and other formal documents that require the signatures of various parties will continue to be exchanged. Please contact FANR if a documentation issues arises relating to the safety, security, or safeguards requirements for regulated materials or the radiation protection of workers, the public or the environment.
For the duration of Covid-19 measures, FANR will not authorize the commissioning and use of new or modified regulated facilities without a full acceptance testing report, QC report and independent third party commissioning report for regulated activities that can cause exposure of workers or public above dose limits in the case of misconduct or reasonably foreseeable accidents.
Storage of Radioactive Material or Nuclear Material:
Storage of radioactive material of risk categories 1, 2 or 3 or nuclear material at a location not in the possession of the licensee will not be permitted during the period of Covid-19 measures prior to obtaining approval using
(form request) and unless FANR confirms the existing location’s authorization is appropriate for such purpose.
Monitoring of Individual Radiation Dose:
A designated Licensee representative can use
(form request) to submit a request for temporary modifications to Licensee radiation safety and radiation protection undertakings. FANR will assess every submission on its merits and work with you to implement immediate actions appropriate to each case and in line with FANR requirements.
During the Covid-19 pandemic FANR is maintaining the full scope of its regulatory responsibilities and functions.
Please use the following contact details for any enquiries or updates or to submit your request to FANR
Email: or Tel.: 02561 6644