Report to Protect (R2P)

FANR is established to have regulatory control of the peaceful, safe and secure use of nuclear power and the application of ionizing radiation technologies for the benefit of individuals, society and the environment. FANR's scope includes oversight of nuclear and radiation safety and protection in civil nuclear power plants, medical facilities and industry as well as protection of the environment from radioactive contamination. To perform its functions effectively, FANR stands ready to respond to concerns of the public, workers and other stakeholders on matters related to nuclear and radiation safety, nuclear security and safeguards. Licensees have the ultimate responsibility for safety, security and safeguards; therefore, FANR encourages its stakeholders to report to their management any safety, security and safeguards concerns. FANR recognizes, however, that this cannot always be achieved; therefore, it provides licensees with the opportunity to directly report to FANR (even anonymously) any such concerns that fall within the scope of FANR mandate. 

FANR is committed to achieving the highest standards of integrity, ethics, transparency, accountability and rules of professional conduct to support and foster a safe, secure and ethical work environment. It emphasizes and reiterates its zero tolerance to fraud and misconduct by encouraging individuals to report any such instances via secure and confidential channels as indicated below. 

R2P: Report to Protect - FANR’s Whistleblowing System
FANR’s Board of Management (BoM) has established a whistleblowing system named “Report to Protect (R2P)” in line with Cabinet Resolution No. (2/9g) for 2020 and the “Anti-fraud Manual in the Federal Government” issued in 2018.

The system is independently managed and will constitute one central hub of FANR for receipt of all whistleblowing concerns, including anonymous reporting, by FANR employees as well as by FANR suppliers, vendors, agents, representatives, consultants, contractors, sub-contractors as well as those of the licensees holding FANR-issued licenses and by members of the public whether as an individual or as an organization.

The following concerns are to be reported via the channels of the R2P whistleblowing system:
  1. Concerns related to Safety, Security and Safeguards raised by applicants, licensees current or former staff or Licensee contractors and other stakeholders, including the public, on issues directly and indirectly associated with the conduct of all activities related to the peaceful, safe and secure uses of the nuclear energy and radiation sources within FANR’s mandate. These concerns are broad and highly variable in nature; it might, for example, be related to unjustified medical exposure, or unjustified irradiation of the public etc. Such concerns may also relate to inadequate environmental protection against ionsing radiation hazards or to poor implementation of safety, security or safeguards requirements. Issues like unsafe staffing levels, incorrect documentation or inadequate qualifications are also often the cause for concern because they are critical to the assurance of safety and protection.
  2. Fraud and misconduct concerns pertaining to FANR, its employees and relevant stakeholders. These concerns may include allegations against any FANR employees, assets misappropriation, bribery, corruption, collusion of FANR employees with stakeholders/vendors/suppliers of FANR, potential undisclosed conflicts of interest by any of FANR employees, unauthorized disclosure by any of FANR employees of information/breach of confidentiality/data leakage, violations by the employees of the applicable Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, financial statement fraud etc.
Please refer to the FAQ for illustrative examples of concerns that could be reported via the R2P System. FANR’s R2P whistleblowing system comprises of the following independent reporting channels all of which are accessible to FANR employees and its stakeholders at all times to facilitate prompt reporting of any concern in a confidential manner:
  1. Toll free number – To be launched 
  2. Web reporting portal with feedback facility - available at 
  3. Dedicated email account – send an email to
  4. In person (direct) communication with Chief Audit Executive (CAE) – Meeting can be scheduled by sending an email to Note: You may also approach FANR Inspectors to report Safety, Security, Safeguards concerns.

All whistleblowers will be able to report anonymously, get acknowledgement of receipt of their case and track the status of their reported concern through the personal feedback room . Every concern brought to FANR's attention is investigated with strict confidentiality to ensure processing all concerns thoroughly and in the shortest time possible.

Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies 
If you believe your concern presents an immediate risk to public health or security, you are reporting an emergency situation. To report emergencies, call the toll-free emergency number on 800 326 7999, or report using the e-mail address: A FANR Duty Officer is available 24/7 to respond to your phone call.

Some examples of emergencies to be reported using the toll-free emergency number include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • An accident or incident involving radiation that may have an impact on safety of the public or workers, or
  • The loss or damage of radioactive materials, or
  • Any threat, theft, smuggling, sabotage or terrorist activity related to radioactive materials.

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